Have you ever felt like you have dropped all your juggling balls and really don't know how to get back on track? Juggling a portfolio of jobs can be tricky. I have always been someone who likes to be busy but then sometimes its like juggling huge, heavy, medicine balls and trying to get organised!

Photos by Markus Spiske and Marije Woudsma on Unsplash
I am passionate (cliche as it is) about all my roles in life. Natural Soul UK (Reflexology) is my retirement business, one I hope to continue running into my older years (not that I believe I will ever get old). Imagine an hour of pure relaxation, with music of your choice and fragrant aromatherapy oils being diffused as you rest and rebalance. Reflexology supports your body in returning to a state of homeostasis (balance) encouraging it to heal itself from stress and various ailments. I have a beautiful salon in my son's barbers Carter's Barbershop on Bellevue Road, Clevedon (@cartersclevedon) and welcome you all.
I have now engaged with over twenty autistic students, all studying for various degrees at university. I empathise with their already difficult task of navigating "the world" as neurotypical people see it let alone tackling endless hours of study and essay writing!
The website (soulstudents) to help my students navigate university and support them in every day life, is on its way. (work in progress). It will have mostly input from the students so it is user friendly and purposeful for them. I have already had some great ideas which I will be using.
I also have an online shop for Temple Spa (www.templespa.com/suecartergadd) which is a luxury skincare brand only in Harrods for retail sales and a great number of spas across the country. I can also offer at home classes (free) for you and your guests to try the products before you buy. A great idea for a birthdays, hen parties, baby showers, mothers day, christmas to get together to relax and enjoy a beautiful at home spa experience.
Finally but most importantly I also offer support in reducing your bills (so you can spend more money on yourselves) with UW (www.suecartergadd.co.uk) We offer the cheapest energy rate at the moment and additional discount via an amazing cashback card. Please do get in touch and let me help you. My contact details are
email sue@suecartergadd.co.uk
call 07900-193-566
Instagram @naturalsouluk
One more little thing, this is how I want to look from now on, serene, balanced, relaxed and enjoying work work balance! Have a great week. Love Sue
